Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Jim Steinmeyer's Matrix Poker

With the release of so many new products each week, it can be hard for us to learn even a small portion of them. When our friends come in to visit us, it is often difficult to show them a demo of that hot new trick they want to see. For that we are truly sorry. The truth is we are frequently too busy getting this weeks hot new tricks up on our website while simultaneously getting ready for next weeks new releases. Long gone are the days of having several pets (although I still do have my favorites). Of the virtually infinite number of items that have come out over the past year, I want to give a special mention to Jim Steinmeyer's Matrix Poker. I guess I was particularly interested in this one because I in fact play a lot of poker and I have been a fan of Mr. Steinmeyer's work for a very long time. This item was released over a year ago and I am still having tons of fun with it. It is completely self working, not your average packet trick and full of surprises. Three surprises in a row to be exact. If you are a swindler, this could indeed be presented as a real game where you will always come away $34.00 richer or $0.34 cents richer depending on how you decide to present it. It is rather funny to dump 34 pennies out of the coin purse. Excluding all of my absolute favorites and the insane amount of new items that come and go each month, Matrix Poker has had a real staying power with me and our friends seem to like it as well. So if you come into our shop, ask for a demo otherwise, you will just have to take my word for it. Now if he would only re-release The World's Thinest Deck. (Come on Jim, reprint them!)


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