You have to be ready for everything!
Hello friends,
You have to be ready for everything when performing. If it can happen, it eventually will. And friends, when it does happen, will you be ready to handle it?
Sometimes when you are performing, something will not go as you had expected. In the shop here, we are usually safe from odd behavior from volunteers. This is because they are in our home and shopping for themselves.
But in the real world, audience management is very important. In our shop, we as sales people, can get a bit lax.
Yesterday Eric a boy of about 16 came into the store with his father. Eric used to shop here as a youngster. We haven't seen him in about a decade. He said he was interested in starting up again. He is your typical "safe" customer or so I thought. He grew up to be the "lets make the magician screw up” type. And while I remained one step ahead of him the whole time, he re
I was in the midst of a pet of mine Dean Dill's Blizzard
and I have a whole patter that I go into, before I could finish explaining what he was supposed to do, he ignored my instructions and his card was selected in less than half a second. I didn't have a chance to make my “move” yet.
1. If it was his card, tricks over and he found it! The other's are blank. Okay tricks over, weak by comparison but complete.
2. If it wasn’t it, explain he rushed and must take his time believe it is possible. And then it will happen, and make my move.
Option two happened and I thought I was in control again. Eric would have no part of it. He wanted to see the face of the card he picked. I pushed the card back on the mat so he couldn't turn it over after checking for “it” and saying to try it again. When I thought he gave up he reached again. I again held the card on the mat and then slid it way off to the side. I again told him, that wasn't his card. I tried to continue and all looked well. I was ready to make my move. Again he grabs it but this time he turns it over. Its blank as it is supposed to be but the reveal should happen later on.
Time to think. Only one option here. "I told you that wasn't it. Why don't you believe me? May we continue now?" Eric wants to know why the card is blank and not one of the supposed remaining 3 Jacks that I told him. Simple Eric, "I lied to you." "May we proceed now?" His curiosity seems to go away, but I must focus and keep on my toes. Finally I get to make my move, he pays attention and does as he is told.
The big reveal and I blow him away. His father says "Does he earn your respect now?" Eric answers "Yes."
So all is well again and I start on Daniel Martin's Bruised only this time I use the father as I am wise to Eric's tendencies.
I have the bruise in place under my cuff on my left wrist. I have to get a fresh deck of cards because the others are all blank. I execute a perfect classic force. I ask the father to take the deck from me and shuffle his card back into the pack. I say. "I'll turn away, so not only do I not know what the card is, there is no way I can know where your card is." I have him tightly grab my wrist as I look through the deck face up. Explaining I will find the card by his body language and pressure changes on my wrist. As I look through the pack, I have a very strong feeling the card is not in there. I take a second look just to be sure. Yup like father like son, the card was not replaced into the pack. I think to myself, what part of "Shuffle your card back into the deck do you not understand?" Anyway, I say "I sense the card is not here. I am not picking up any vibes." big reveal "But you did squeeze so tight, I have a bruise."
Let’s face it, some people do not want to be entertained. They just want to pull one over on you or feel smarter than you. Be ready for this so that when it happens, you will know how to handle yourself.
Here is the funny part. Both Eric and his dad, actually warmed up and bought lots of fun things. And I know we'll be seeing them again.
Like I said before, in the shop, they are here for a reason. In the real world you will encounter every personality. We just don't see this type of spectator in our showroom too often and I am glad I quickly controlled what I could and didn't let my guard down while maintaining an entertaining persona.
But I have seen all kinds of crazy things over the years. Here is a quicky I will never forget. I was casually entertaining my friends at our New Years party some years ago. My housemate wanted me to do more. So I took out my case and I went for it. In the middle of a cups & balls routine, Matt a friend of a friend, picked up the only load ball I revealed, a rubber Jet ball that just appeared under the cup, put it in his mouth and bit it in half. He wanted to make sure it was a real ball and not a springy ball as he puts it. He bit it at the mold seam and split it in two. It made for great comedy. No need to show how the other two cups also have balls under them. Matt made a new ending for me and I put the other two cups alreay loaded away before anyone could see. His ending was better than mine.
Anything can happen.
If you have any interesting stories to share with us, please respond to this post. Help us all to avoid any mishaps.
Take care,
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