Friday, January 26, 2007

Coin in bottle, glass or can. So many variations?!

Hello friends,

There is a frenzy of people who want to do a visible penetration of a coin or other object into a bottle, glass or can.

And these days, there are several ways to do it.

When I first started out in magic, there was only one way to do Coin In The Bottle. You could do it with a quarter or a half-dollar. You can use virtually any bottle (and it can be borrowed) made from glass or plastic and a seemingly borrowed coin or at least the coin could be examined before and or after. The coin visibly penetrates the side or bottom on the bottle, can be clearly seen inside. And at anytime you can make the coin come out of the bottle and hand everything out for examination. Not to mention that this special coin can be used to do many other things (if you are in the know) Coins Across, Coins Through Glass, vanishing Coins, Coins Through The Table, Ring Through Coin, Bite Out Coin, Butter Coin, & More... If you take all that away and only do Coin In The Bottle you still have a classic in magic that has stood the test of time. At under $10.00, this is money very well spent.

Years later Daryl release The Cap In Bottle where a beer cap penetrates into a glass beer bottle. Both items could be borrowed. It was in my opinion a great new idea but with an overkill of a gimmick/method. But it did lay the ground work two popular newer variations.

Soon after Ickle Pickle put out Purified Water, in which the plastic cap is removed from a bottle of Dasani and penetrates the bottom of the bottle. But he laid the ground work for a couple of the most recent variations. We tested a couple of these but this effect could only be done with the performers empty bottle and the bottle could not withstand examination, so it didn't make the cut.

Then there was Kevin Parker's Passing Through. You had to make the gimmick yourself, fairly easy to do. But we felt with so many other similar effects out there, what's really the point to keeping these in stock? We can still special order these for anyone interested. Only $25.00, just give us a call 631-928-1506. This version was based on the Coin in The Lighter Effect, which later was reissued in another style Coin in Tic-Tacs. The original Coin In The Lighter was a better (more believeable), than the re-release in the transparent Bic Look a like lighters. The times changed and lighter designs have changed, this cause the appearance of the coin to suffer a bit. I never much cared for the Coin in Tic Tac version because in reality, a coin could be in the Tic Tac box, visual or not. In the lighter, it is logically not feasible...

Next came Mike Powers Visual Impossible Penetration. This one passed us by. I am not sure if it is still on the market, or what the method was.

The Enchantment created The Abyss and the idea behind it is not too far different than Ickel Pickles & Daryls version. But this style, could allow for a variety of items, not only the cap or a coin to visibly penetrate into the bottom of the bottle. The cool part is that you give them the bottle with the object inside and it does not come out. And everything is 100% examinable. The down side prior set up time. This is really a special occasion effect and can not be performed on the spot.

Criss Angel performed it on Mindfreak and later released his DVD Master Minds Vol. One - Coin In Soda Can. Where he and Wayne Houchin explain in full detail, how to take any quarter, and make it penetrate into an unopened borrowed, beer or soda can. This version, is 100% impromptu, can be mastered quickly, and looks great. In the end you pop opened the can, dump the contents and inside rattling around is the coin. Give them the can with the coin in it or cut opened the can and give them back there coin. Did I mention, the coin could be signed? Only one coin & only one can is used. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Yes & no. If you feel paying $30.00 for a video to learn one very simple trick is too pricey, you may feel a bit ripped off. On the other hand, if you can appreciate the fact that someone came up with a way to do a mindblowing anytime, anywhere effect, do it on a nationwide show and decide to share it with you, then you'll know it was a bargain. Not to mention that this is the only version, where the container starts off sealed makes for some very powerful magic.

Next came Ellusionists DVD release of Geir Bratlie's Infusion. A quick one trick DVD explaining the visible visual penetration of a coin into glass. A borrowed coin visually penetrates the side of a glass instantly. Only one coin & one glass is used. This is avaialbe in our retail store but not on our website. Visually it is a astonishing. It can be done anywhere at anytime. I personally feel this effect is not worth your money. I think you will be disappointed when you learn how to do it. However, the move is a good one and one you will use when you are put on the spot to "do something" and there is not much for you to do on such short notice. It will fool people and does look very nice. This I feel would be better described in a book or on another DVD with other things on it. I like many of the "single DVDs" becasue the effects are usually extraordinary. This one, I feel is lacking something to be put out as a stand alone. Just my opinion. The move really does look very nice.

Now let's talk about the latest "In" effect Prohibition DVD. May be the best looking visilble penetration. Requires some minor set up. Can be perfromed to look impromtu. Use any bottle (as long as you know what kind of bottle you will be using before hand.) Again based upon the ideas mentioned before but the detail explained and the visual aid helps you create a small miracle. Its all in the handling and I feel this is by far the best of the "new" types out there Even if you have or had other styles or elect to use other styles, you will get some extra knowledge to make your old routines look even better. Use this in conjunction with Wizard PK Ring or Nicholas Night's Enigma (sorry, we can't carry them all but we can special order it for you $45.00) and you have a spectacular handling.

And finally Criss Angel performed and effect where a borrowed cell phone penetrated into a glass bottle. It was removed from the bottle by shattering it. This effect was created for the show and is not a marketed item. But and there is always a but you can now do an impromptu variation of this using a borrowed cell phone and a borrowed, plastic bottle. You can also present this with one or more coins penertating the side of the bottle, unscrewing it to show it can't fit through the top even if the cap were off. Replace the cap, shake the coins inisde one comes out, push it thorught the side again, visually. In the end you slice the bottle in half to remove the phone or other object/s. Here it is, Behold The Scarabaeus. You could also do this with the Abyss if you wanted to, even let the spectator cut the bottle opened but I think it is more powerful to let them go home with the object trapped inside. With Behold, you have cut open the bottle, you can't leave anything inside.

We'll I'm pooped, so its time to say see you later.

Thanks for reading!
until next time


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