Friday, February 16, 2007

Hello Again!

Hello friends,

I'm back and it is nice to be back too. Really!
So I am busy trying to catch up on what I have missed these past two weeks, and It is a lot.

New stuff is all over the place. Boxes are piled up everywhere down here. They tried to run a tight ship while I was gone, but could not keep up with it all.

So now I have to sort the new stuff from existing stuff and tell my Webmaster, so that these can be put on our site.

Ann did a nice job covering for me, handling orders and emails, while Dave & Ron handled the showroom.

But the warehouse, is a real mess. Besides all of the product, we have loads of trash. There are piles of empty cardboard cartons stacked to the ceiling.

Plus we are recovering from a small flood, from the remnants of the mega ice storm we had here on Valentine's Day. All the ice melted and the water found it's way through the side of the building and onto some merchandise. Ouch!

So I am almost caught up with my regular work and almost ready to dive into this mess.

I wanted to make a quick note to say that in a past Blog way back I made about the History of the Vanishing Bandana Plus I said was made by FAB Magic company. Not the case. We had been getting the Original (not the plus) from one of our distributors but all too often, it was sold out over there. So I found another supplier that offered the Plus version. I was under the impression that the new model was also made by FAB. Our site was updated and all was fine. This new supplier also had problems delivering to us, so before I went away, I ordered them direct. Well I got back today and noticed they were the old style. And called FAB on this.

So here is the real deal, the Plus version is a knock off of FAB's made in India for more money. The box for the plus style which is something that I did notice but didn't think much of, is cheap cardboard box, just waiting to be torn. The kind made from I guess recycled paper. If you saw what I am trying to explain, you might know what I am getting at. (Paper & plastic made in some parts of the world, just isn't the same). The Devil Hank, while visually appealing, is stiff and hard to clean. And according to FAB, hard to operate. The big question, that I do not have an answer to is what exactly is on that Indian CD?! The make the banana reappear part in the box, is not really a big deal and certainly not part of the original routine. So my webmaster is busy getting the Original Vanishing Bandana back on our site. We've got a bunch in stock but had to remove it for a little it till we can update. We here at Ronjo, want to carry the originals only. Thanks to FAB for setting us straight on this.

One more quickie that I thought you might find interesting. My folks were in Vegas recently. I arranged for them to go to the Mindfreak office and meet up with JD for a possible tapping of a segment for Season 3. As it turns out, JD had to be back here in New York at that time, so their paths did not cross. Here is the kicker, while they were in Vegas, they stopped at the Criss Angel store and bought me a souvenir, a Criss Angel T-shirt. They did not realize, even after I told them more than once, that we know Criss and JD was his brother. They did not make the connection for Criss Angel and Mindfreak, even though they have seen the show before too. We all had a laugh once I told them that not only do we sell the Criss Angel shirts, that we get them fro JD, the same person they were supposed to meet with. Anyway Mom & Dad, thanks for the shirt. You could have got it here, employee discounts :)

Keep on the look out for the new 4 door die box that we just got. Very interesting!

You will also see a few new things on our site.
It will be more clear to you on when an item you order will ship. And if you click availability on that item more details are explained to you.

Our rewards Points program is now very easy to understand. Every item listed shows you exactly how much cash back you are entitled to and athere is a direct link on each item how to get your points and how to use them.

Take care,


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