Monday, June 25, 2007

Jumping Jack Cash - Money Morphosis

Hello friends,

Here is a great effect that you may not be aware of.

Originally released as Flash Currency Transformation, we later changed the name to get away from any assumptions that fire or Flash Bills were used. Ronjo Magic & Costumes Inc, owns all manufacturing rights to this effect.

This effect has been copied and renamed by the competition. Treasury Transpo is available elsewhere for $27.00 but you can own the original for less. That's right the original Jumping Jack Cash is only $16.99 and the copy is $10.00 more! Does that mean our version is made of a lesser quality? No what it means that another dealer is taking advantage of the uneducated.

Jumping Jack Cash is a powerful close-up effect thats uses audiance participation and a borrowed bill. The change is fast as lighting and everything is examinable in the end.

Effect: A dollar bill is shown trapped between two plastic sheets. The plastic pieces have been fastened with rubber bands and a padlock has been locked through a corner of the sheets and the bill. A spectator is asked to initial the bill through a hole in the top piece of plastic. Then the magician borrows another dollar bill and signs it.

The spectator is given the padlocked bill to hold. A handkerchief is placed over the bill and the spectator's hand. The magician places the borrowed bill under the handkerchief and instantly brings it back out again. When the spectator checks the signature, he's amazed to see that this is the bill that was locked up in the plastic! When the bill in the plastic is unlocked by the spectator, it is discovered to be the borrowed bill!

Jumping Jack Cash comes with 2 plastic sheets, 2 wide rubber bands, mini padlock, 2 keys and instructions.

Pro tip for owners of Jumping Jack Cash:
If you find the initial set up is taking you too long due to toleracnes in the white border of the bill, you can easily frame the edges of the acrylic sheets with pinstripe tape or mask the inside near the edges with tape and paint a frame around the edge with nail polish, acrylic paint or a permanent marker.

Until next time,
Thanks for reading!


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