Have you been watching the master at work?
Hello friends,
Derren Brown on the Sci-Fi channel.

Sci-Fi's airing Episode #3 Mind Control tonight.
Remember the US series is only 6 episodes for the season.
I really hope you got the chance to see th

Some of his demonstrations are excerpts from the UK show aired for the first time in the US, others are re-shoots of things he has done in the UK in the US with similar results, others may or may not be new ideas (if they are not new, I just didn't get to see the UK airings). He has been on for 6 years (I think) now.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, get yourself a hacked DVD player & hunt down the UK DVDs of Derren Brown and you will see things that even the most skilled and experienced performers stumped.
Alot of you guys out there think he uses stooges. And while many performers have used and do use stooges. He assures us and I really do believe Derren that he does not use stooges. It would be too simple and you can tell from the way he works and presents himself other methods are work. What those methods are are a mystery. We may have to wait until he and Andy Nyman (MindControl consultant) go to the grave before we get any tips about what has been going on.
He really is the best there is. We have a long way to go an a lot of catching up to do as entertainers in the US. Brown makes us all look like babies.
I hope Sci-Fi will continue his series and turn him into an American Icon.
Take care,
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