Friday, February 23, 2007

"I got blisters on my fingers."

Hello friends,

"I got blisters on my fingers."

Beatles drummer Ringo Starr screamed these words out at the end of the 18th take of recording of Helter Skelter. These words now imortalised for eternity.

We have heard that the origins of a blister on your fingers date back to the 1940's.

There are several blisters on your fingers magic effects on the market.

I believe the first to the market was Mark Strivings' Blistering.
This is an eerie effect that is simple to perform. Very powerful, if not the most powerful "blister" effect to date. Read on.
Blistering, one of Mark strivings' most closely-guarded secrets can now be yours! We've seen him devastate people with this routine because it's one of the strangest and most powerful close-up mentalism/bizarre demonstrations of physical magick that you can possibly do!

It's also a classic effect.

Performer draws an outline of his hand on any piece of paper and invites a spectator to hold a lighter over any one of the fingertips in the picture. He then holds his hand directly over the picture and suddenly winces and jumps back in pain!

Upon examining his hand, there is now a massive blister on the very finger that the spectator heated up mere moments ago! Unbelievably, the performer is then able to make the blister vanish with only the power of his mind!

This is unbelievable magick that can be done anywhere at anytime! Perform it surrounded, close-up, or in parlor situations; it's always ready and very easy to do. Completely safe, this one's a killer!

Only $15.00

Ickle Pickle later released Finger Blister
You draw the outline of your left hand on a sheet of paper. A spectator takes a lit match (or cigarette) and freely selects to burn any fingertip. Once he's done so, and you've made proper facial expressions and groans of pain, YOU then show him that the fingertip on your actual left hand that corresponds with the fingertip he burned has a large blister.

(Special Order $5.00)

Matthew Johnson's Voodoo Trick
Yet another, however I feel the card makes it go from believable to hokey.

The futuristic looking card (included) is used as a 21st century voodoo doll. The spectator selects one of the fingers on the card and then touches it, a huge blister appears on the corresponding finger of the magician!

Do the trick over and over again with a blister appearing on s different finger every time. The logical patter and preselection means you no longer have to use fire or cigarettes. Don't worry about drawing your hand on the paper! Everything is self contained. The blister work happens right in front of them yet is absolutely invisible! (Special Order $15.00)

As we are more than satisfied with the mechanics of Marks Strivings version, we decided to stick with his and his only for the single realistic Blister.

David Blaine offers an impromptu version in his book Mysterious Stranger

Other modernized Blister effects were also released.

Brent Walske's Pyro Perception Only $21.00
You walk up to a group of people with a deck of cards and a burning confidence in your ability to utterly amaze them with powers they have never imagined possible.

Anyone removes a card from the deck and conceals it. A lighter is ignited as you thrust your thumb and forefinger into the fire. Reality melts into rising tension as you slowly withdraw your finger tips from the flame. Turning that hand toward the onlookers, they are stunned to see two distinct blisters. Even more shocking is the fact that they are in the shape of the chosen card!

There is more to the effect because of a selected card and the mark of the rank & value appear on two fingers. Again this is powerful magic and can be repeated with a different card. And I do like it. But sometimes, less is more this is why I like the Striving's take on it better.

Next came Blistered by Precision Magic. We do not carry this version because it is a direct knock off from Pyro Perception. The only difference is that the gimmick rather than being placed in your pocket is your key chain. Interestingly enough one could actually put a chain through the center of Pyro Perception and put it in their key chain.
The thought process of Pyro Perception in your pocket is wild. You will never to fumble to get there correct Pip & Rank blisters after a bit of simple memory work.

The latest is Jason Palter's Third Degree Burn

You approach a group of people, and ask someone to think of a card, and then name it aloud. It can be any card they wish. There is no force. The subject is asked to truly visualize the card in their head-to burn this into their mind, you give them a lighter (or just borrow theirs). After igniting the lighter, they are asked to visualize their card in the dancing flame. You briefly thrust your fingers into the flame, wincing with pain. For the jaw-dropping climax, you slowly turn your fingers around, to reveal the skin on your thumb and finger is now blistered in the shape of their freely-chosen card! You've just given'em the third degree!

Some key points to remember:

  • No deck of cards required.
  • No forcing; works with any card named.
  • Can be carried with you at all times, fits in your pocket, and is always ready to go.
  • No reset (again, it is ALWAYS ready to go)!
  • Harmless—but it does look dangerous!
Comes complete and ready to go with the professional custom gimmick (made to last a lifetime), instructional DVD, detailed manuscript, full routine, and bonus effects (including ideas that DO NOT require the use of fire!). (Special Order $55.00)

We have decided not to stock it in our line onlybecausee I feel that it is not necessary to have. The lack of an actual card selectionturnedd me off to the effect. I feel it takes away from whatPyroo Perception laid thegroundworkk on. Pyro Perception is repeatable with several outcomes and for the spectator, they feel that any card would have the same outcome.

We are certain that other version are still to come. But so far in myopinionn. Blistering & Pyro Perception are the two best to date. And I like the simplicity &believabilityy of the Strivings one more than the more trickystylings of Pyro.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,


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