Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ellusionist In The House

Hello Friends,

We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday.
Mine was good. I got to visit with family and then took a couple of well deserved days off just to relax. Unfortunatlly I wasn't feeling well for most of my time away. But It was really nice to wind down even for just a bit.

I have been nuts here ordering new items like crazy. My webmaster is ready to kill me as I am loading him up with a list of new items to get online. He is going to be a busy little man for this month.

Today we opened up a monster delivery of Elusionist products. Some of these items are already on our website. Some others are to be added soon.

The majority of these items are available for in store purchases only. So if you a local client, come on down to see all these great things we have to offer you.

The Elusionist Products now in stock.
Scorpion UV Kit, Ninja, Ninja 2, Stigmata, Mindbender, Fraud, Infusion, Indecent, Ghost Deck, Master's Edition Bicycle Deck, Red & Black Tigers, Tiger Gaft Deck, How To Do Street Magic and a few others that have slipped my mind for the moment.

And on the way to us as of today Ellusionist's latest release Daniel Garcia's KAOS: Surgical Card Through Window. This one is defiantly going to be a real mind blower. Call us 634-928-5353 to reserve your copy.

We'll talk to you soon!


Monday, November 20, 2006

The reviews are in

Hello friends,

the reviews are in!

Actually the reviews are not in. We have an icon set up for you to add reviews for each an every item on our online store. The problem is that it is not widely or accurately used.

Many times when a review comes in that is a negative review, all we see is. "This sucks" or "Don't waste your money" yet it is not followed up by anything. If you do not like a product, first of all contact us so we may arrange for you to send it back to us. We wnat you to buy the right thing.

Secondly if you really do not like something, consider why. Is it defective or is it not what you had expected? If it is not what you expected and you go through the trouble of making a review tell us why. It may be the perfect item for someone else. Ex. Thought it could be done close-up, had trouble with the instructions, I am left handed and it is set up for a righty, etc.

Same goes for a product that you do like. Writing something like "This Rocks" is nice but it is hardly a review. Tell us it something like, it is easy to operate, can be viewed from any angle, instructions were perfectly clear, well made, etc.

All in all, if you do go through the trouble of making a review, try to make it helpful for other browsers. And if you have been ignoring them or are unaware that you can make reviews, please put your two cents in, in the end, it will help us find better products to offer you and help you and other clients find exactly what they need.

If just a small percentage of our clinets added their thoughts to one or two things once in a while, you will help each other to make well informed buying decisions.

Until next time.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Welcome Back

Hello friends,

We are happy to announce that after a long hiatus, David is coming back to us full time.
He will be your main demo guy in the show room. Just in time for the holidays. We are eagerly awaiting his return.

I am trying to get the store together again. It is slow going but it is happening a little each day.

We have got some great things on order for the holidays.

Some wicked cool magic sets that blow my mind, so your child will defiantly blow you away.

I've got some awesome Criss Angel merchandise coming in too. You have been asking so we are listening.

2 weeks, we'll be overflowing with new and cool merchandise.

Take care,


Monday, November 06, 2006

Come on down to Ronjo and I'll let you punch me!

What a way to make friends?!
That's right folks, all this week, I invite you down here to the shop to Punch Me!
Boy the things I subject myself to.
But you have to sit through a card trick first and you have to punch me where and when I tell you.
And please be nice, be firm but don't try to knock me out.
I promise you this, once you give me a nice big bruise, you'll be in for the surprise of your life!
What am I really getting at here? Check out

Bruised - by Daniel Martin

Take care,

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween is over, magic is back!

Hello friends,

We'll its been a crazy couple of months. The store is like a deserted ghost town. After about 50 days of non stop people, wall to wall looking for Halloween costumes; the walls are baron, the carpet is a mess, displays are in disarray and only a handful of people are coming in this wee.

Christmas is coming so we've got the get the Santa displays ready. Mrs. Claus, elves & Reindeer outfits are invading the shop. We've got snowmen next to cut off arms and masks of demons.

We are trying to tidy up and quick. The local magician's are getting restless.

I'd say in less than a week's time, we'll be a functioning magic shop again and in 2-3 weeks, we will be all back to normal.

But for the next couple of days, if you stop in, you'll feel like you entered the Twilight Zone. Magic, Costumes, Christmas & Pilgrims all over the place.

But we know you can't wait to come in for your fix of magic. You've been with out for 2 months now.

So get busy on our website, make a list of the "In Stock" items that intrigue you and come on down, we are ready to assist you now. But for demos and detailed answers to your question, just a few more days, please there are still Halloween parties this Saturday.

We know you just can't wait ao here a few wild things to wet your appetite!

Greed by Daniel Garcia, a wonderful multiple visual transformation of the denomination of real currency.
Pyris by Nicolas Lepage, an awesome special effect with fire.
Gambler's Wildest Dream by Reed McClintock, a complete card routine that makes the classic Wild Card obsolete.
Sudoku - The Ultimate Mental Workout by Justin Monehen, Solve some of the hardest puzzles in seconds.
Double Agent Wallet by EvilDan, Hurry we only have ONE LEFT of this limited edition, multiple use utility wallet. Its for peeks, pocket writing and more!

Also in stock by Ellusionist: Mindbender & Stigmata. These are killer effects not available for mail order but can be purchased in our brick & mortar store. Ellusionist wants to maintain exclusive rights for online sales for these products but will allow them for sale in our showroom.

We can't wait to see you all: Rob, Bob, Michael, Alex, Rudolph, Bill, Chris, Jimmy, Ivan, Austin, Gary, Drew, the four Mike's and the rest of you guys.

Until next time!

Thanks for reading.