Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Books by Patrick G. Redford

Hello friends,

We have got four hot new books that you should know about from Patrick G. Redforfd.

Some very big names in are giving Patrick's books some mighty fine reviews; Banachek, James Biss, Rick Maue, Patrick Kuffs, Gregory Wilson, Paolo Cavalli and many more.

Even better news for you, is that you won't find this fabulous material all over the place. They are available only through Patrick G. Redford himself, Ronjo Magic, Alakazam in the UK and one other dealer in the USA. And that's all. So everyone and their mother won't be doing this material.

For a full synonpsis, click all of the titles (links)!

Imagine being able to describe a photograph you have never seen, or identifying the owners of five different drawings, all while the drawings remain behind your back. These are among the six routines and two essays that Redford reveals here for the first time.

"Eidolon", the first effect contained within these pages, has been described as a thing of "surpassing beauty beauty beauty."Eidolon takes the notion of a simple hallucination of a playing card and brings it into a reality. This reality, by the way, occurs in hands of a spectator with his or her own deck of cards untouched by the performer. Eidolon is one of five miracles of "slight of mind " that is presented in Consecution.

Imagine being able to temporarily shut off the brain of your audience, describe a photograph you’ve never seen, or control the tune a stranger is whistling without saying a word. Diapason is a full 54 pages of effects and essays for any level of performer. The book is divided into three sections: The Magician, Psychological Illusion, and Odds & Ends.

Prevaricator - The Ultimate Ring Of Truth
Finally this unique approach and method to the classic Liar’s Paradox (Ring of Truth) is explained in full detail by Patrick G. Redford. After circulating underground, prevaricator finally makes its debut. Hailed by many to be the ultimate version of the classic liars paradox with a catch, there’s no logic puzzle!
No Logic Puzzles Used, No Stooges, No Secret Cueing, No Set-ups, No Dual Reality, Stands Up to Repeat Performances, Impossible To Backtrack, The Outcome May Be Predicted, May Use Any Object, May be Performed Impromptu, Can be Performed Close-Up, Can be Performed On Stage, ONLY ONE QUESTION ASKED - "DO YOU HAVE THE OBJECT", No Extra Props Needed.

We just know you are going to love what this guy has to offer.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The era of the single trick DVD

Hello friends,

Some of you love the single trick DVDs, some of you "can't believe there is only one effect."
This is a relatively new idea but not really.

When I was kid, I went to the record store once a week to buy one or two of the latest singles of whatever top 40 songs were the in thing on the dial at the time. Some of you may be old enough to remember the 45 RPM records with the big hole in the middle? Later the Cassette Single & CD Single. Now you just go online and download your favorite songs. Anyway in any of these formats new or old, you could buy just the one song you liked or the whole album.

So long story short, singles were always there. They are just not available (usually) on another DVD as well.

But if you think the magic single trick DVD is new, think again. They have always been around though not on DVD but rather in a booklet.

An example of a great pamphlet of a single trick is Andrew Mayne's Facelifter. This is one booklet I believe, if he were just releasing it now for the very first time it would definitely be a single trick DVD.

The real reason you are seeing more and more of these is because DVDs are easy and inexpensive to produce.

The very first DVD single trick released I can think of is Aaron Fisher's Bicycle Thief. It comes in a DVD snap case and the special props inside the case.

In fact many of the packaged magic effects in the recent past, are now supplied with DVD'S instead of printed instructions. Two from recent memory are Entrapment Gold II from Alakazam and No Tear Newspaper by Tony Stevens. One day we had them with printed instructions and the next time we got them, they had DVDs instead. Some of the reason is they didn't have VHS tapes in the past instead of typed instructions were size of packaging, price, weight and NTSC or PAL format.

DVDs are easier and more cost effective to make. They don't take up much more room than printed instruction are all region free and play in any format. And of course are more appealing to our clients.

Daryl was one of the first to recognize this. He released 3 DVD volumes called Fooler Doolers. Soon after, he renamed some of his magic line and called it Fooler Doolers. All of the Fooler Doolers tricks that came with printed instructions were revamped, repackaged and now include a companion DVD for the specific effect.

Andrew Mayne was among the first to produce the Single magic DVD without props that needed to be included. Ghost Bills, Hyper Cards, Infusion.

Then came Sean Fields with The Linkage & Northbound and Nigel Harrison with The Loophole Gimmick & Hybrid.

Just about everybody's doing it these days. Both with and with out props from Jay Sankey to Criss Angel.

And let's not forget to mention the biggest name in single DVDs, Ellusionist. About one half of their current DVD library consists of these new fangled single effect DVDs.

Usually all of these DVDs have some special insight or bonus effect, interviews. You know interesting stuff, so you do get a bit more than just the one simple solution to the effect.

Like it or not, you better get used to more and more releases each month. The single trick DVD is here to stay, at least until the next type of media comes out.

What's next, magic on Blue Ray Disc or HDDVD? Maybe.

Until next time.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, January 26, 2007

Coin in bottle, glass or can. So many variations?!

Hello friends,

There is a frenzy of people who want to do a visible penetration of a coin or other object into a bottle, glass or can.

And these days, there are several ways to do it.

When I first started out in magic, there was only one way to do Coin In The Bottle. You could do it with a quarter or a half-dollar. You can use virtually any bottle (and it can be borrowed) made from glass or plastic and a seemingly borrowed coin or at least the coin could be examined before and or after. The coin visibly penetrates the side or bottom on the bottle, can be clearly seen inside. And at anytime you can make the coin come out of the bottle and hand everything out for examination. Not to mention that this special coin can be used to do many other things (if you are in the know) Coins Across, Coins Through Glass, vanishing Coins, Coins Through The Table, Ring Through Coin, Bite Out Coin, Butter Coin, & More... If you take all that away and only do Coin In The Bottle you still have a classic in magic that has stood the test of time. At under $10.00, this is money very well spent.

Years later Daryl release The Cap In Bottle where a beer cap penetrates into a glass beer bottle. Both items could be borrowed. It was in my opinion a great new idea but with an overkill of a gimmick/method. But it did lay the ground work two popular newer variations.

Soon after Ickle Pickle put out Purified Water, in which the plastic cap is removed from a bottle of Dasani and penetrates the bottom of the bottle. But he laid the ground work for a couple of the most recent variations. We tested a couple of these but this effect could only be done with the performers empty bottle and the bottle could not withstand examination, so it didn't make the cut.

Then there was Kevin Parker's Passing Through. You had to make the gimmick yourself, fairly easy to do. But we felt with so many other similar effects out there, what's really the point to keeping these in stock? We can still special order these for anyone interested. Only $25.00, just give us a call 631-928-1506. This version was based on the Coin in The Lighter Effect, which later was reissued in another style Coin in Tic-Tacs. The original Coin In The Lighter was a better (more believeable), than the re-release in the transparent Bic Look a like lighters. The times changed and lighter designs have changed, this cause the appearance of the coin to suffer a bit. I never much cared for the Coin in Tic Tac version because in reality, a coin could be in the Tic Tac box, visual or not. In the lighter, it is logically not feasible...

Next came Mike Powers Visual Impossible Penetration. This one passed us by. I am not sure if it is still on the market, or what the method was.

The Enchantment created The Abyss and the idea behind it is not too far different than Ickel Pickles & Daryls version. But this style, could allow for a variety of items, not only the cap or a coin to visibly penetrate into the bottom of the bottle. The cool part is that you give them the bottle with the object inside and it does not come out. And everything is 100% examinable. The down side prior set up time. This is really a special occasion effect and can not be performed on the spot.

Criss Angel performed it on Mindfreak and later released his DVD Master Minds Vol. One - Coin In Soda Can. Where he and Wayne Houchin explain in full detail, how to take any quarter, and make it penetrate into an unopened borrowed, beer or soda can. This version, is 100% impromptu, can be mastered quickly, and looks great. In the end you pop opened the can, dump the contents and inside rattling around is the coin. Give them the can with the coin in it or cut opened the can and give them back there coin. Did I mention, the coin could be signed? Only one coin & only one can is used. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Yes & no. If you feel paying $30.00 for a video to learn one very simple trick is too pricey, you may feel a bit ripped off. On the other hand, if you can appreciate the fact that someone came up with a way to do a mindblowing anytime, anywhere effect, do it on a nationwide show and decide to share it with you, then you'll know it was a bargain. Not to mention that this is the only version, where the container starts off sealed makes for some very powerful magic.

Next came Ellusionists DVD release of Geir Bratlie's Infusion. A quick one trick DVD explaining the visible visual penetration of a coin into glass. A borrowed coin visually penetrates the side of a glass instantly. Only one coin & one glass is used. This is avaialbe in our retail store but not on our website. Visually it is a astonishing. It can be done anywhere at anytime. I personally feel this effect is not worth your money. I think you will be disappointed when you learn how to do it. However, the move is a good one and one you will use when you are put on the spot to "do something" and there is not much for you to do on such short notice. It will fool people and does look very nice. This I feel would be better described in a book or on another DVD with other things on it. I like many of the "single DVDs" becasue the effects are usually extraordinary. This one, I feel is lacking something to be put out as a stand alone. Just my opinion. The move really does look very nice.

Now let's talk about the latest "In" effect Prohibition DVD. May be the best looking visilble penetration. Requires some minor set up. Can be perfromed to look impromtu. Use any bottle (as long as you know what kind of bottle you will be using before hand.) Again based upon the ideas mentioned before but the detail explained and the visual aid helps you create a small miracle. Its all in the handling and I feel this is by far the best of the "new" types out there Even if you have or had other styles or elect to use other styles, you will get some extra knowledge to make your old routines look even better. Use this in conjunction with Wizard PK Ring or Nicholas Night's Enigma (sorry, we can't carry them all but we can special order it for you $45.00) and you have a spectacular handling.

And finally Criss Angel performed and effect where a borrowed cell phone penetrated into a glass bottle. It was removed from the bottle by shattering it. This effect was created for the show and is not a marketed item. But and there is always a but you can now do an impromptu variation of this using a borrowed cell phone and a borrowed, plastic bottle. You can also present this with one or more coins penertating the side of the bottle, unscrewing it to show it can't fit through the top even if the cap were off. Replace the cap, shake the coins inisde one comes out, push it thorught the side again, visually. In the end you slice the bottle in half to remove the phone or other object/s. Here it is, Behold The Scarabaeus. You could also do this with the Abyss if you wanted to, even let the spectator cut the bottle opened but I think it is more powerful to let them go home with the object trapped inside. With Behold, you have cut open the bottle, you can't leave anything inside.

We'll I'm pooped, so its time to say see you later.

Thanks for reading!
until next time

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mark Strivings is back!

Hello friends,

We are very happy to announce that Mark Strivings is making a come back.

Mark is a nice guy and a great thinker and he really does want to share his thoughts with anyone seriously interested but for personal reasons, he has been away from the scene for a while.

Yesterday we gave him a monster order for everything we have carried from him in the past.

His stuff is always in demand and very scarce, so I highly recommend that you click the "notify me when available" icon for the item/s that interest you. My guess is we'll have a complete sellout soon after our order comes in. And while we will of course continue to place reorders, we want you to get his stuff when you can because his items are hard for us to obtain.

Please note that his Sight Unseen Case SUC will NOT be one of the products coming in this shipment. Mark tells us that the earliest we can expect those would be summer. (But you can still get the Stealth Assasin & EvilDan's PJ Wallet).

Search for Mark Strivings on our site to see a complete list of products that we have carried to date from him and all due in about one week from today.

Anneman For The 90's, Before The Curtain Rises, Blistering, Constructive Mentalism, Lover's Voodoo, Magic For Young-Un's, Mental Mix, Open & Shut, Pseudo Psi, Strange Thoughts, Technicolor Miracle, The Unseen Edition, Warm Fuzzies Up Close

Still in stock from Strivings, The Ultimate Invisible Brainwave booklet. A $10.00 devastator! See complete description below.

Everyone who has seen the Ultimate Invisible Brainwave in action was completely fooled. It truly is ultimate!

There are two invisible decks of cards on the table, one red backed and the other blue. The spectator picks up either one, removes it from the invisible box and shuffles. They now thumb through the invisible cards and freely select anyone they wish, changing their minds as often as they like, finally naming it aloud for the benefit of others who can't see the selection. This invisible card is placed aside. The spectator now opens the other invisible deck of cards. The single card is now reversed and placed into the other deck, the deck is reboxed and tossed to the performer.

An Actual deck is now opened and spread to reveal a full deck in thoroughly mixed condition. In spreading the cards, a single blue backed card is found reversed in the face up spread. This is tabled No others are seen. The deck is then respread face down to reveal all red backs. A single blue backed card reversed in a red backed deck. The unknown blue backed card is turned over and revealed to be the very card they freely selected!

No sleight of hand,
Virtually self working, Any card can be named, Both sides of the deck are freely shown, Quick reset, Can play close-up or stage.

Complete directions on how to make this miracle for yourself.

Included in this 20 page booklet is the complete construction, handling and routine ideas for a devastating card miracle. This can be used on stage or close-up, even walk-around!

Once our relationship with Mark kicks in again, we will be adding some new releases to out line very soon.

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

About a couple of our clients

Hello friends,

I am writing today about two of our clients in the hopes that they will read this.

Michael and Christopher are two friends that are hooked on magic. I can see the passion for the hobby in their eyes and in their enthusiasm.

I find it very frustrating that I am unable to share my wisdom & enthusiasm for the craft in the ways that I would like to. In the ways that I am able to with some of our other clients. You see, both Michael & Christopher are deaf.

They come in a couple of times a week and all I can do is smile and wave to them. Sure we write notes to communicate but these are short notes and not real conversations. Both of them can read lips a bit. So they sort of know what I am saying at least some of the time. But I know nothing about signing and do wish I could understand them when they are in.

Because of their disability, I am restricted in what I can show them because I can't direct them to do some of the things needed for certain effects. So I resort mostly to visual magic.

These two guys have a very keen eye, and they catch everything. Even if it is not actually something they can see, even with a camera. They know what is going on. I see them pointing and laughing and they make very special sounds when they are excited. And they mime me when I am done, pointing, recreating the real methods as to what I have done. Fooling them is very, very hard to do.

I wrote them a little note yesterday on how perceptive they are. They really do catch just about everything. Because they are deaf, their eyes work at least twice as hard as ours do maybe even more. Their observational skills are astonishing to me. They agreed with me, "Yes we see everything."

Yesterday I was performing Problema. The same way I always do and have done for many years. When done, I ditched the gimmick. No one could see me do this, yet they knew exactly what happened. I think if I did not ditch the gimmick, but rather leave it in the lid, it may have fooled them. Dumping the dice from the box (the big action) and ditching the gimmick from the lid (little action) was of no consequence. They saw both no hiding it. If I changed my timing or the handling especially for them, maybe it would have worked.

I'd be willing to bet the farm that if they played poker, they can pick off tells from players without starteling accuracy in an instant.

So anyway, I just wanted to say special hello to Michael & Christopher on this blog and say thank you to both of you for putting up with my lousy hand writing.

And I have to think about somehow to fool you badly. I am getting tiered of you guys catching me all of the time.

Thanks for reading!

Take care.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Free: Live Entertainment Every Tuesday!

Hello friends,

What's there to do on Long Island?

Well for starters how about a FREE live show every Tuesday at 8:00 PM - 11 ish
at the Cool Beanz Coffee House in near by ST. James.

Join your host and our friend, Emcee/magician Andrew Bilello for open mic night.

Anything can happen. Magic, music, poetry, juggling, stand-up comedy and more.

You never know what or who you might see there. It's different every week.

If you like you can even get up there and do your own thing what ever it may be.

Andy tells us it is mostly a college crowd but some high school students as well as older working folk taking a break and hanging out can been found there too.

He has been there having fun and honing his craft for a few months now and is starting to get a nice following.

So get up there and show off your own talents or just grab a cup of coffee (tea for me) and enjoy local talent do their thing.

The place:
Cool Beanz - A Coffee House
556 North Country Rd
St. James NY 11780
Call them at 631-862-4111

See you there!

Andrew has been coming to Ronjo Magic for a while making selections of magic material that are perfect for a full out theater event. We only recently found out that he has been performing live each week for the public. We are excited for him and are excited to see him for ourselves.

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Magic Switchboard - Wellington Enterprises

Hello friends,

I just wanted to mention that my favorite effect of all time is back in stock.

The Magic Switchboard by Wellington Enterprises.

It will only take you five minutes to master the effect. It is made exceptionally well. It will fool everyone who sees it. And the effect in itself is very entertaining.

Listen, I know that dropping four bills on a single effect is just out of the question for many of you and even for you pros dealing with an outlet to plug something in during your show would be an unusual practice but I feel actually adds to its charm and innocence.

It is a simple and innocent looking device that might resemble a hardware store display from the 1930's.

And I gotta tell you, the looks on their faces when you show this contraption off will leave everyone who sees it scratching their heads everything they flick a switch for the rest of their lives.

The smarter you are; teacher, electrician, computer programmer the bigger blow it will deliver.

Harry Anderson performed this effect on the Tonight Show circa 1988 and it went over really well.

If you can get the scratch together, this in my opinion would be the greatest addition that you could add to your magic collection.

If you are a local client, come down and ask me to demonstrate it to you. Even if you can't afford it, no matter. I really want to share this with all of you and give you the same joyous experience that I had when I first saw this device many many years ago.

Take care,